Cristianne Ray, World's Smallest Mom/Mum at 2ft 7 in
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
At just 2ft 7 inches tall, 19 year-old, Cristianne Ray is now considered the world's smallest mom.
Watch the world's smallest mom video here
Update: Cristianne Ray, Jeremy Bowden Videos
LinkAt just 2ft 7 inches tall, 19 year-old Cristianne Ray has become the smallest living woman to give birth. She has defied medical experts who said carrying a baby inside her pint-sized body would crush her lungs and kill her.
Doctors feared for Cristianne’s life and when they first heard of her unplanned pregnancy they urged her to have an abortion.
Cristianne was determined to have her baby, despite the risks, and now, against all odds, sits cradling her newborn baby in her arms. Proud dad, Jeremy Bowden towers over the pair of them at 6ft 4 inches. Baby Kyrsten was born 4lb 8oz and 14 inches long – almost half the height of her 31 inch mum.
Watch the world's smallest mom video here
Update: Cristianne Ray, Jeremy Bowden Videos
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Hi im watching youre show as we speak... i just thought i would post a comment =) i think fair play for getting on with youre life and i hope youre baby is healthy and growing up good good luck with the marriage From Becky829 ;)
watchin the show in the uk,
its breathtakin 2 c wat a beautiful person u r!
I wish both u, jeremy & kyrsten all the happiness in the world.
love comes in all shape & sizes.
Your daughter is so lucky 2 b brought up in a home without such predjudices.
For those with negetive comments shame on them. In the world there is sum1 for everybody!
All the best with the marriage, hope u & your daughter lead a healthy happy lives
from stef ;) x
sue from england says i found your story super. you can tell that you were made for each other. don't listen to what other people say about your size. you're daughter maybe small but she has the love of both parents. hope you have a brillent marriage. also many more children with the love you have you will be very happy.
As I am typing this comment here,I am watching the programme.Cristianne's an amazing girl.She got on with her life superbly and never allowed,what some people mention as 'Littleness', her condition interfere with it.Jeremy is just great.I hope there are alot more people like him in this world.I hope all the best for you and your family.And by the way,Krysten is so so cute.I definitely pray for the baby.ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO WROTE BAD TO YOU,I APOLOGIZE ON THEIR BEHALF.DONT MIND THEM AFTER ALL THEY ARE AS WELL HUMAN AND IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY ARE TALL.You take care.My regards to your family and yea HAVE A BLASTY CHRISTMAS.From Salman
Wow Christianne and Jeremy and your beautiful baby, you two were made for each other and have a love for each other which brings tears to my eyes- it's an unconditional love, from where I am standing, and that's a rare, beautiful thing. F**k those people who made those comments, I guess I must be grateful myself not to walk around with that much prejudism. I'd hate that, and they'll never find true love because they don't have a clue what real love is. Sad for them.
p.s I think you're a stunner Cristianne, and you'd really suit a sexy straight across fringe (just had one meself) Sarah x
I think this girl is completely selfish and irresponsible. She became pregnant without even researching if her condition was genetic. How selfish can you be that you'll have a child without any regard to what you pass on to it. That poor baby in all probability has her condition, and the best part is Christiane says she doesn't care... I bet the baby WILL when she grows up to be barely a meter tall.
Hey im watching the show right now on TLC and i just wanted to say what a beautiful baby girl you have and may you be happy and healthy in your life and future marriage! I think your a role model for all mothers out can conquer all. Whether it be your size, a birth defect or just a personal struggle!
Congrats! :D
i hate it how people say bad things about this.....i have birth defects and i would hate it if my mom got rid of me just because of what is wrong with this....a woman having a baby....women do that all the time.....i do not understand how people could be saying bad things when there are a lot of bad things we should be addressing like war and global warming.....just because a woman has a baby sure shes a bit short but i am sure 'short' people have kids all the time......
i just hate people who say bad things about it.....i really really gets me so mad.....
so i am with ya jeremy and krysten.......rock on sista....rock on.....
You are incredible people!! May you and your beautiful baby have a wonderful life! You may be only 2 feet tall, but you tower above most people! You rock!
Cristianne made the excellent point that both her parents were "normal." Though there was more of a chance of her baby having the condition, it can happen to anyone. Is it selfish for someone with a family history of heart disease to have a baby? Is it selfish for someone with arthritis to have a baby? In conceiving a child, you always take risks. No one ever knows how their child will be born. I would much rather be the two foot tall daughter of Cristianne and Jeremy, than a normal-sized daughter of someone as pig-headed as Mr. or Ms. Anonymous commenter. I commend the two of them for being the great parents they are. She's a beautiful little girl and I wish them the best of luck.
You are so great! The lord is on your side girl. He seen that you were a great person.I hope that you, your hubby, and you awesome daughter have the best life. Your family is truly a gift from the heavens. I also would like to say that it is so great that you have this show. It lets the world know more about people that are small. Which is still kinda crazy for some people. Rock on Girl. Heather
Cristianne, I was just watching you on the TLC channel 'My Shocing Story' and when I heard you reading off the rude comments from some of the ignorant people in this world I knew I had to find a way to say what i feel. I think you are yourself, a beautiful miracle. And thank God for your own parents and family for the love you have gotten. And to see you so happy with your fiance Justin, just makes my heart feel good. Don't you ever let the rude comments from these ignoramuses upset you or your beautiful family. You go girl. I wish you all the happiness and love this world has to give you. You are so brave. The obstacles you face everyday are daunting and to see you so happy with your new baby and fiance are a testimony to you. So be happy, Cristianne. There are so many more of us out there who wish you the very best! Take care.
From Michele in NL Canada
I think you are a beautiful family! You are a wonderful woman with a winnning spirit and I truly admire your husband. Most of us worry day in and day out about so much superficial bullshit that carries no weight. We all have our challenges in life. But how well we deal with them? People could learn a lot from you. I was feeling so bad about my situation until I turned the channel and saw your story. I couldn't turn away. I'm so inspired. It made me realize the mistake I made in my relationships was the same. I married two men who didn't love me for who I am. They only loved what I looked like. Once they had me, they disrespected and mistreated me. I hope one day I'm as lucky as you to experience the love that you have for each other. It's not just your husband's love for you. It's yours for him as well. He should consider himself to be a very lucky man.
This is from megan. I am 15 years old and I think it is great that you made it through the pregnancy and that your baby is healthy. everyone is entitled to a child and I think everyone should have one. I am watching your show right now and it is amazing. I wish the best of luck to you and your family. I think that your family and your daughter are beautiful. dont listen to those people who say you shouldnt have a child. I bet if they were in your position they would want children. I hope you have a great life and that your daughter grows up to be happy and healthy.
I have Spina mom didn't get rid of me and I'm happy about that! How can anyone judge another? I pray and know that if that young girl is happy and healthy then her baby will also!
Crisianne you are an amazing, beautiful, inspirational woman. i am watching the show as i type this and i hope that one day i will able to touch someone like you have touched me. your baby is beautiful and jeremy is an amazing guy. dont pay attention to those negative comments, it doesnt matter what those people say. best of luck with your new family. xoxo.
Hi, I am watching you try your wedding dress on, and am so happy for you. I am from the island of Jamaica, and want to say big up to you and your fiance. All the very best. Forget those losers who have nasty stuff to say....they are the ones who are defective and need lots of help. You go girl...You are beautiful and Jeremy is a very lucky man.
When You are in a shopping cart, people stare because they are trying to get a grip on what they are seeing. A teenager in a cart, where are her legs?
Especially older people.
I have to admit, that the most annoying thing about you is your whiny (at times) voice.
what is really horrible is that you are a teenage, unwed mother. (also a bit of a joke.) Once you're married, who can complain?
Good luck with your marriage and future.
I just wanted to say that u are a very strong beautiful person with a very beautiful baby. May god bless you guys and keep strong.
Okay Cristianne...first of all, you need to grow up. You have a baby now. Can you stop all that irritating whining to Jeremy. And, Jeremy...stop carrying that girl around!! She can walk..gezzz!!
Show that baby that she can be independent, because he can't carry you both!!
You know what Chrsitianne, you go girl! Don't worry about the negative things people say on here. They don't know you, they do not know your ability to be a good mom and wife to Jeremy. You both have a beautiful baby and are in love. That's great!
Keep living your life and be strong, honey. Don't let the jerks get you down.
i am amazed at your story. I am so happy for you and Jeremy on your marriage. Though I've never met either of you, I know your love for each other is real, and I so admire that. If only everyone in the world could experience such love, then maybe they wouldn't be so bitter! I am shocked at some of the horrible comments people have made. Everyone on this earth deserves to live. And every woman deserves to to give birth to their own children if they're able, which obviously, YOU ARE! Just look at the amazing and strong person you've become despite of this trial in your life. You've found true love, in a spouse, as well as your sweet baby! In my opinion anyone who thinks someone shouldn't have the right to live or give life because of a disability or birth defect, then they certainly have no right to live either. I agree with every word from the comment that alicia made. Cristianne, Jeremey, I admire you both, I think you're amazing people and you have a BEAUTIFUL baby girl! Congrats
Hello. i think you guys are amazing parents. ignore what other rude comments other people are saying. if you want to have kids them you have them. just because your a little person doesnt mean you cant have a normal life. i hope your baby is healthy and you two have a great life together.
cristianne i saw your show an just wanted to say GOD BLESS youre fiancee thats a real man.Keep up the good work and never let anything or anyone get in the way.GOD BLESS YOU BOTH and the baby.
I was watching your show tonight and i just cant believe of all the rude people in this world. I think you are a true miracle from God. He placed you and this earth with a challenge. Thats what I would consider your disability to be. You have showed many Americans and others that you can do anything and nothing will stop you. I admire that. We need more amazing people in this world like you guys. You have a beautiful daughter and I personally think you should have more. She's gorgeous! Your daughter will be so proud of you because I think that you will do your best on raising her the way you were raised. Your parents also did a wonderful job with you. I love your personality too. Good luck with your wedding. God bless you and your family.
I saw your show today on TLC, and I wish you and your family best of luck and health. Do not pay attention to the ignorant people, just know that you are the best mother. And I admire you, because you so brave!!!
I saw your show today on TLC, and I wish you and your family best of luck and health. Do not pay attention to the ignorant people, just know that you are the best mother. And I admire you, because you so brave!!!
Hi, i responded earlier "lori W". I should be ashamed of myself.
Hey Jeremy, we need more men like you. I watched the show for an hour and I was so amazed on the job that you do. Not many man would take on a task that you have gained. You are one of a kind and I think you will be recongized for all the love and hard work you do. Also I would like to say that I'm sorry to here about what happened to your mom when you were a child. God bless you.
I will be in therapy for YEARS after the visual of this guy wandering around the flat neckid with this chick impaled on his member.
There are SO MANY reasons besides size why this girl has no reason for reproducing...
Been watching the show...good luck with everything. I just watched where you were reading comments off the internet, and there are some complete idiots out there! Don't listen to thim. you have a great guy and a beautiful baby! you are gorgeous, I really wish you all the best of luck...
hey I'm watching your show right now. I think you 2 are great parents. and for all of those people our there who say ohh she a midget she should die. ya know what shut up! she is a normal person just like you and me. just like she said how you guys said she is taking risk at having kids so are you cuz her parents are both tall. so please just be nice. she a normal person. start treating her like one.
I searched for a site to post a comment after watching the TLC program and being appauled by the other comments that ignorant people left. I know that I dont have to say it but both you and Jeremy are wonderfully special people, and the world would be a much better place if there were more people with hearts as pure as yours. It warms my heart to see you two rewarded with such a precious daughter. Christianne, do not let those negative people consume your light and your spirit! Focus on the wonderful things around you and thankyou for being an inspiration. Cheers! -Alex, Canada.
Hey! Don't worry about all of these people leaving negative comments they're just unhappy and jealous of the love you and Jeremy have. Congratulations on the baby and I hope you 3 have a great life together.
I am watching this show as I write this and I think the love you and Jeramy show is this type of love we all look for , regardless of size. God bless you both.
my name is alexandra and i am 14 years old.
i was watching your story on TLC and its so cool!
i mean, i think your great to have this courage and strength to do this.
your dreams will come true and all those people that say those awful things are just haters.
always believe and always have faith.
your a hero more then you think. =)
i hope all go's well with you and your family and i hope that your daughter will have the same strength and faith has her mom.
- alexandra f.
"Whatever the mind can conceive the mind can achive" =]
I think all these people who are writting nagative comments can go to hell. It is a blessing to be a mother and to have a good man in your life. I wish you guys all the best. You tell that baby she can be whatever she dreams of in life.
Hello Cristianne and Jeremy... my name is kurt.. i just watched your show on TLC.. i'm so happy for you two.. First off, your beautiful. your going to be a great mom and an even better wife... Jeremy, your the bomb!! you have a huge heart.. i hope that i can be just as loving as you are... your a wonderful father and going to be an awesome husband... God bless you and your gorgeous baby girl.. take care, love ya both.. kurt :)
God bless your family, I am 28 years old and 5 feet tall. I am not categorized as a little person, but I plan to adopt many that are. I love being "shorter" and I think that anyone who looks down upon short people need to re-evalute their priorities and judgements. Good luck in everything you seek out in life.
Cristianne Ray I just want to say I am sorry for all the negative replies you have received. I am sure it’s not what you want to hear. I also hope that you and your family have a long happy/loving relationship together. Take care and live life to the fullest
Gregg & Amy (Santa Rosa, Ca.)
Hi, watching you on tv in Canada.
I just had to tell you I think not only do you 2 look like the PERFECT match, but your baby is absolutely adorable
I wish the best in life for your family.
I think you both will be great parents.. it takes alot to push forward from societies stupidity..congrats on the engagement and Cristianne your really hot!!!!
with Love,
Loved watching your story on TLC. You have a wonderful, positive man in your life and a beautiful daughter.
Stay strong and enjoy life...
I wanted to say congratulations on the baby, I know it's belated but I just saw the show "My Shocking Story" on you. What an amazing story it was! I give you props for being able to stand up to all of the negativity on the e-world. It's truly unfair and God will judge them, I'm sure not too lightly!
-Tiffany Conn
Hii i just finished watching your show. I honestly think its a miracle after what doctors had said about your pregnancy and the risks. I am a teenage mother myself. 17 years old my son is 6 months. people need to lose those additudes thinking we cant do it cuz we are young. but we can and will be just fine. your daughtr is beautiful. you are so strong for doing what you did for her. good luck in the future. i wish you all the best. you both are doing such a good job getting through the challenges. there is no need to listen to the negative comments becuz in the end you have your daughter to look forward to. i have faith that you will be an amazing mother. Again...good luck i wish you and your family ALL THE BEST and happiness for the rest of your lives.
i am also watching you as we speak and it shocked me how many very rude comments you have gotten from other people the world is soo cruel and i just had a baby boy in december and i know one thing you 2 are very strong parents and i know just like every parent in the world that you would die for your child.i know you will live a life full of dreams and happiness and parent hood brings soo much joy to everyone and whatever anyone says dont let anything get you down because you are the most luckiest parents in the world
You two are deffinitly soul mates and your going to look soo gorgous on your wedding day
im glad your going to have more children
you have brought soo much joy to my life knowing that i can get through anythign becuase theres people out there like you that are smiling everyday
you are a big inspiration to me and im so glad i watched your biography
thank you very much
love always
Jeremy and Krysten ... You both are beautiful people. Ignore these IGNORANT people that say "unwed teen" and the nasty things they said about your BEUTIFUL baby. The only thing that is "different" about you is your a wonderful mother with limitation taking care of your baby and you have a man that LOVES you and is going to marry you unlike some unwed teens.
My God bless you and your family.
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you get married and raise that BEUTIFUL baby of yours
Christianne and Jeremy-
I am so pleased that you televised your story. I think your story will help people wake up and make them more aware of the different types of people in the world and make it more personal. I believe a lot of the negativity is due to lack of education regarding disability and people don't personally know or interact with people who may have them. Don't worry about them-you both are an amazing couple with a beautiful baby girl. Many people today can't even have children of their own! you both are so lucky to have eachother. It is so wonderful you can help guide your daughter Christianne seeing as you have been through it. Jeremy you are an amazing man-keep it up! Christianne-Don't feel weird around others who are little people--it doesnt make you seem any "more" different. They dont want to be discriminated against just like you don't im sure :) you are always you no matter who you surround yourself with. i wish you all the best and look forward to working with a diverse group of individuals with my future occupation of physical therapy. Congratulations and God Bless :) Liz
I think you are all so brave and have a beautiful daughter. no matter what size doesn;t matter as long as your baby is healthy. And she has such an awsome mom who can teach her all the short-cuts to getting around in life and who has such a strong personality that nothing ever gets her down. Children are the greatest blessing and its just wonderfull to see them discover the world for the first time. Enjoy every day of it. and congrats on the upcomming wedding. Life would never be whole without children
To Christianne, Jeremy, baby Kyrsten, and parents: Y'all are awesome, and the fact that you are willing to share your story, even to the ignorant people in the world, shows you do care about your baby. I am truly sorry about Jeremy losing his mom to cancer, you are in my prayers. Congratulations Christianne on passing your drivers test! Your parents are just wonderful. If you have a myspace account, I would love to add you to my friends list, and keep in touch.
Victoria and David (North Carolina)
what a beautiful family you have christianne! you are so lucky to have such a lovely baby and wonderful fiance. as i was watching your story i was waiting for empathetic feelings to strike me-they never did. just envy!keep on rocking!
hi cristianne.Just wanted to say that I think you and your family are so beautiful and that I want to leave you with this thought.Every single human being has some sort of might not be able to see it visually but we all have our certain problems,whether it be drugs,mental problems,anger problems,selfishness etc. with you it is just visual,which must make life hard sometimes because of other peoples ignorance.please never forget that you,your husband and your beautiful daughter are gifts from God and that you are an inspiration to me and my family.God bless you and your family cristianne and thank you for sharing your life with us.I hope that you have as many children as you desire.
I just saw your show on TLC. I just wanted to say you are a very lucky woman to have such a beautiful daughter and loving fiance. i wish you all the best with your daughter and marriage.
You are both AWESOME!! And you have a very beautiful baby girl! You each remind me of friends of mine, and you each seem like you'd be awesome friends for anybody. Take care--and keep setting records okay?
I just wanted to pass on some positive feedback :) I watched your show tonight and I hope that you do not listen to any of ignorant comments that you recieve. You are a very capable mother. I pray that God continues to keep his hand upon you and your family. You have a great spirit, and it was wonderful to see that tonight. As I was watching I was wondering if you had ever considered any occupational therapy. They may be able to make things a little easier with some great techniques. God Bless :)
You two are beautiful people. Thanks for being who you are.
Hey i just watched ur show and wanted to tell u ur a amazing woman and are a amazing mother no matter what anyone might say. I want to wish u luck in ur future marriage and life. and if u ever want to talk to someone who can relate to u in medical problems but not in the little person but in health i'm here u can reach me on myspace at
i wish all the luck and hope ur wedding goes great
U GO Gurl Hey u look great ur baby is beutiful and u got a good man yes yes that is what its about loving someone for who they are . Its to bad that people in our world belive that we all are suppose to be and look one way how dumb are they, Just goes to show u how ignorant some pepole are . So to all those rude commentors out there on my gurl Kyrsten and Jeremy and there cute little gurl. STOP HATEIN and get a life . Keep ur head u guys god bless u Felicia J
You're overweight to the point of endangering your life, you can barely HOLD your baby, let alone take care of it, so your husband can't work. The doctor tells you that your daughter has the same condition you have, and your biggest concern is getting your driver's license and an expensive car that you have no hope of paying for. Who do you expect to pick up the tab for your support?
.....and now you want to have TWO MORE?!?!?!?
Girl, you have the mind of whiney, spoiled child. The mere thought of bringing another child so afflicted into the world is the HEIGHTH of absurdity.
GROW UP.......
Cristianne...If you go to, this company specializes in providing accomodations to people who have challenges with driving. They should be able to help you out with this. Take care, and good luck:)
Hey Cristianne...
I just wanted to say I watched your show and it was awesome..It really shows the world that there are still a few good people left out there..Honey don't listen to those rude and mean comments made by some of the others, because your much better then that and there not that important anyway..Seems like to me they don't have a heart..I am so happy for you Cristianne, Because you can have children and show them love no matter what there disablity is..I can't have children and I am 21 years old and trust me it hurts to know that..I wish you all the best and hope you are doing good..I wish they would have a follow up show on you because you touched my life as well as you did many others..I thank you for letting us have a peek into your life..I know being your size and taking care of your baby is hard but, I know it is well worth it....Well may God bless you all..Stephanie-South Eastern Ky
We watched TLC and saw your show - we think you are very courageous. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful fiance and a wonderful daughter. You have it all.
You are the cutest thing ever - you guys are the nicest people.
You deserve the best.
Todd & Nadia
i would love for every single one of you here who have said something negative about this girl, to spend one day in her shoes. i think more babies like her would be GOOD for the world, diversity is what keeps the human race alive! what would you do if your friend, neighbour, brother or sister or maybe you, had a recessive gene in your blood line for dwarfism??? you all could be hypocrites and not even be aware. If i were you i would become educated just the slightest before passing on judgement to others. because we all know noone likes it when they are the target of plain old SLANDER.
Cristianne, I think you, your husband and your baby make a beautiful family but I was shocked when I heard you want to have 2 more children. I don't think that is very responsible of you to bring 2 more children into this world when you can't work and won't realistically be able to support them without the help of others. Your husband takes care of your daughter, obviously because of your disabilities so who is going to take care of any other children? And what if they are also born with your condition? Why put them through that? You should be happy you have a healthy child and raise her to be a beautiful person. Time for you to grow up and be realistic, you were lucky thing went so well with your birth so why risk it again?
My daughter and I watched your show last night. I was so touched.
I want to take a moment and tell you that you are an amazing girl. You are truly blessd to have Jeremy. Just by watching you can see the love he has for you. God Bless you and your family. Dont let anyone put you down.
hey my sister and i watched your show last night and we have never seen such a pretty lady whos small like you. you have been very blessed with your looks you husband and you baby, best wishes to you. see you on tv. :)
hello i watched ur show last night. your right any normal paople could have a little baby also. im just happy your a great mom
Hubby & I watched your show last night on TLC, and he wanted me to write and thank you. Since retiring, I'd been bugging him to move to Seatle. With the image of you behind a steering wheel burned in my mind, I've stopped. SERIOUSLY though, I feel sorry for your mother. She has you to care for, now Jeremy and a baby, and you want 2 more?? Get real!! Buy some dolls instead. I don't think you should have killed your baby, she's adorable, but I agree with the folks on here that say you need to grow up, and fast! You can't even care for yourself, much less an innocent child. As far as Jeremy caring for your children, give it 5 years and let's see how far he can run. He's 19 years old and will grow up. He's going to get tired of lugging you around and listening to your incesant whining. Unlike you, he should be able to get a job somewhere. And you want to get a driver's license so you can -- what?? Be more independent? Are you going to have an elevator installed so you can get into the car? Having someone pick you up, put you in the car, take you out when you get where you're going, etc. is NOT independent. It's just so you can have "fun" behind the wheel. And who's going to pay for all these modifications to your car? The tax payers? Sweetie, you desparately need to do some growing up. I have nothing against people with disabilities, my husband and I are both disabled. However, you need to be realistic. You could start by truly trying to be more independent. Try walking more, try dieting some of your weight off for your health, stop whining about everything and do more things for yourself. Bringing a new life into the world makes most people more mature, but you've suffered none of the consequences of that thanks to the help of your folks and Jeremy. Maybe that's why you seem to be crippled mentally. Wait a few years before you have more disabled children. Jeremy will be a handfull of gone, and you're putting a helluva burdon on your parents with your irresponsible whims! You (and Jeremy) are in desparate need of a reality check.
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl and your engagement! I want to tell you that I am inspired by your story! You are a very strong woman! Going out and learning to drive is such a great step! I can see by that, you are a great mother! You are setting such a great example for your daughter! A lot of Americans like to feel sorry for themselves and use their dissabilities to get other people to feel sorry for them as well! I am so happy that you are going out and makeing the best of doing all that you can do! That is wonderful!
I wanted to comment you on something you said while you were out bowling with your family. You said, "I want to sit up on the chair like the real people." You are a real person. You have emotions. You laugh and cry just like most of us in this World! Why would you think you were'nt a real person?
You are beautiful and your personality is amazing! It isnt often that I can turn on a tv and feel like I want to meet a person because their personality was so outstanding by just watching tv for an hour. That is amazing your personality is so strong!
The comments I heard you read off the internet were insane! Those people had no right to judge you the way they did! They are nowhere close to perfect! You are right, just because they are big dosent mean they cant have a little person either.
I want to tell you I was inspired by you. My son was 12 weeks premature weighing only 3lbs 7oz. I was so emotional in everything I felt was uncomfortable for him. Even now, him being 10 months old, if his stomach hurts or when he was in the hospital even if I felt he was uncomfotable I would get emotional. Seeing your daughter struggeling while drinking her bottle and only being able to watch in hopes she starts breathing soon has to be the hardest thing you have to deal with!
I wish all 3 of you and your parents and siblings the best of luck i your future! Congratulations on your wonderful new family and good Luck with your marriage!
Tara Alvarez (19)
Goshen, In
By the way, reading the ignorant judgemental comments. If your shild is born and has Christianne's condition, what are you going to do?
I have a hemangioma on my lip. I have gone through a lot of trouble and been made fun of a lot! I used to wonder why I was even alive, not only because I had the defect but also because my parents abandoned me and left me to fend for myself as just a young child 11yrs old. I have grown used to my defect.. although people still say things about it, me being 19 now. My husband loves me for who I am and obviously wasnt looking for looks but he sees me for who I truly am.. another great thing is I have a beautiful healthy baby boy! I didnt find out that it was a possibility that he could be born with the same defect until after I had him. He does not have the affect so in the future when Christianne has more children it is a possibility she does not have a child with the same birthdefect as she has.
OH MY F'ING GOD! I just watched your show, and cristianne you are the whiniest person ever, You act like your fricken 5. I feel bad for Jeremy. You should of had an abortion! Now Jeremy can't leave your ass because you are so dependent on him. He has to pick you up and carry you everywhere?? Loose some weight for god sakes. You can't even hold your kid,change its diaper or carry her! Your pathetic. HEY JERMEY COME SEE ME I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL WOMAN CAN DO!!!! cristianne GROW UP and quit whining all the time. Your voice was sooo annoying how can jeremey stand you
To bad kyrsten has to grow up with you for a mother!
Christianne, in case you see this thread, I want you to know that I think that you're a really amazing person, and that your baby is incredibly adorable. I hope that she grows up to be as strong a woman as her mum! Congratulations on having such a beautiful daughter, and on your upcoming marriage.
Oh, and I think that your learning to drive is fantastic! I've had my learning permit for two years, and even though I'm a taller person, so I can reach the controls of basically any vehicle, I'm still massively nervous behind the wheel, and I don't know if I'll ever manage to learn properly. I'm sure you'll do a *much* better job than I have at learning!!
All the best,
Beth H.
Don't let ignorant people who stare and make comments about you or your personality ruin your life they are all just ignorant and only think of yourself i think you are just fine and completely normal. I wish you all the best
All the best,
A caring soul.
Cristianne, My name is Christina I live in the Puyallup area. When I watched your show I was so touched, on how you do your dailey business. Thats so awesome for you. You have a wonderful man and baby. When I was watching your show it felt like I have known you for years... really weird but true. YOU are so beautiful. very pretty. As weird as it is My two neices and one newphew goes to the same dr. as you. DR. Russell. It was really weird.
I want to thank you for being such a wonderful person, small or not you are awesome. Who cares if you are 2 ft 9 or 6 ft 9. it doesnt matter, God made us this way for a reason.
Your daughter is a very special little girl, I know she will be well taken care of and loved so much.
Who cares if Jeremy dont work.... Thats more preicous time that he got with his new baby girl.
And here is a note to all the rude people...
Until you have tried living a life as 2 ft 9. DONT TALK SHIT.
Of course, I would want my honey to carry me around. They just need to grow up, and if they have nothing better to do then sit around on the computer and be rude to people that have a life, then they are the ones people should be talking about...
Cristianne, I have a myspace, I want you to look me up if you have one... PLEASE.
my url is
I don't see how people can allow themselves to insult Cristianne. I am watching the programme as i write this. I felt extremely upset when she began reading the comments. You are no different to the next person Cristianne, you are more beautiful than many. Who does not want children? You had every right to become pregnant, no one would know how your baby would grow and no one should care how she does. As long as you and Jeremy are that is all that matters and all you should care about. I wish you, Jeremy and your beautiful child all the luck in the world.
Darren, United Kingdom
hi i am watching the programe as we speak, i think you are an encredible women and it doesnt matter how tall you are, you can get on with your life and i like the fact that you are doing that. your daughter is sooooo pritty and cute. dont let them horrible people who wrote them horribel things put you down because you are truely amazing. good luck with your family life
lots of love Rebekah
Cristianne, bless your little heart! You have more problems in your young life than you are able to realize as yet. I understand the need to be a mother, and you have done that. It's unfortunate that your daughter was born with your condition as well, but you didn't know at the time whether or not that could happen. However now that you do know, please please don't bring any more children into the world who might have your affliction! Just because you have been able to adjust well and find love doesn't mean that they will. It is very painful for a parent to see their child hurting, and that may be what you have to watch in your children. You also don't know how well your own health will hold out. How would your parents feel if you lost your life trying to have another child? Who will care for you if you lose your parents and/or Jeremy? You could not care for your children on your own. There are just so many things to be considered. Give yourself some time to mature and grow up a bit before you make such an important decision, and pray very hard about it. God bless you and your family!
Hey Jeremy, You are really lucky mate. You have the most beautiful little person. Christianne is really beautiful and fantastic -love your family.
Kev, London
I cannot believe what hurtful things some people say on here! who do yall think you are to pass judgment on someone else. I guarantee everyone of you that typed something negative have a wasted nonproductive life, and it just make you feel better about yourself. I think you guys have challenges just like every new family, and it seems like you got it together. and as for having more children I think if your willing to put your own life on the line for them,that tells me you are a unselfish wonderful mom. GOOD LUCK AND MY GOD BE WITH YOU!!!
hey cristianne, i am watching your documentary now,in Singapore, in Asia, you are truly wonderful, with your beautiful family, you are truly inspirational, your smile and your warmth brings a smile to my face just by watching your expressions, now on the tv i am watching you learn to drive, you are a hero, god bless you
dewy from singapore, just watched the show too...i just was totally amazed. i literally just went speechless seeing you guys, all of us can only pray we will find a love like yours. you don't need anybody's permission to love, or give life. stay strong and amazing. all my love and respect...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hey,was finished watching your documentary,and it really touches life,inspired me a lots.You are really fortunate to have something while other freaks out there dont have,brains.Anyway,hope everything is doing good for you,especially that delicate precious of yours.And you are definitely included in jesus prayers,as well as your family.Rock on with your driving licence,haha wish i could have one too.LOLS
hi Cristianne, i watched your documentary last night and i come from Singapore. youre such a inspiring person. i dont know if this will reach you, but yea. you have such a loving husband and i sincerely wish the both of you well. and of course your baby. i do wish there is some sort of way to know how you and your family is doing.
Oh man Cristianne, youve become such an inspiration to me (: you're so amazing. If i could ever have a chance, I'd like to speak to you. And to your family, all th best. I'll be praying for ya'll (: Ps. Baby Kyrsten's so beautiful (:
Clare, from Singapore.
oh and Cristianne, if you could every get back to me, I'd really appreciate it. I really wanna get to know you. Youre just. So amazing (:
mail me!
I'll be waiting ! :D
hey Christianne,
dun give up on urself, dun care wat other pple think of you as. there others billion pple out there who look upon u cos u amaze them, ur are the inspiration. gd luck in everything u do. we will support u, Christianne!
yalo jeremy,
juz wanted to tell u that you r one of the most loving & caring hubby in the world!
christianne, u are a very lucky woman to have this man as your hubby!
Always stay strong & positive towards your everyday life!cheers!
Cristianne, I can tell by watching your show that you want what most young ladies your age want. The difference is that you aren't able to care for the one child you have, much less having more. And wanting to drive is normal too, but what is the point unless it is to have fun? You can not even be independent in your own care. You need to be more realistic and get interested in things you are able to do, not all these romantic notions of being like "normal" people. Normal is what is normal for you, not the average person. I have limitations too, and it was hard to accept that there are many things I just can not do. I did accept it finally, and I found lots of things I could do without all the problems. I am much happier now and don't live in a dream world -- instead, I live in a world where my dreams are realistic and can come true. It's much better than wishing a fairy tale could come true. I think you need to grow up some more.
Anyway, you probably won't listen to me, it's not what you want to hear. I know I didn't listen to advice for a long time. I should have, and I could have been happy much sooner.
Good luck, and think about it.
I saw your show and I think that your a very strong person and wish nothing but the best for you and your family and just ignore those ignorant people who say all those bad things about you. I think that your strong and I dont think that I would be able to go through what you have. GOD BLESS YOU
Cristianne and Jeremy , I was watching your show tonight and I seen how dedicated your try to be for your child. I wanted you to know that you are doing a great job and God always Blesses us and puts us through trials to see how far we can go. Jeremy, you are a wonderful father. I praise you in your strength to take this at a stride. You are goning to a great father and husband . Keep up the good work you 2 and kiss the baby for me. God bless you and your family
I am also watching the program, and frankly F the people who put you down. You have a beautiful family... those people have no right to tell you or your fiance what is right or wrong. the love you guys share,as well as you daughter, is nothing short of a miracle, a gift from whatever universal powers that be. much love and god health to you, from one mom to another. Oresama
I'm watching the show as I type this and I just thought that I should say something about the mean things people posted. It doesn't matter what people say about you being short. You can accomplish great things. (You already have by having a baby.) The people who have said mean things don't have anything against you. It doesn't matter what they say. It doesn't matter if you're 19. They're many 19 year old and under that have babies. You should never be more persecuted just because you are a dwarf. You are a great person. I hope your baby stays healthy. Have and good marriage. -Catherine
just want to bless you and your beautiful family. you are one of the most lukiest wemen in the world to reseve what you got. God has wonderful plans for you, and i know it! we love you and well pray fpr you from the bottom of my heart.
ps- you can also find me on myspace if you have one...
and I meant "good"...
Hi me and my husband are both disabled we have been married for 8 wornderful years.
don't let the coments on the net upset you any people who say stuff like that are rude and crude and have a low self asteem about them self and be little other people to make them self feel"MIGHTY"
Now about me and my husband i'm 39 years old i have spina bifida and i'm in a wheelchair most of the time my husband is Eppileptic andoh yes he is 49 years old.
has had severl brain injorys.
MY husband takes care of most of my needs i have we neither one have a licens so we walk everywhere except for dr that are not close to us in our town .
as far as you winning gose just
ask for what ever you want with a stong voice for it. and as far as your little girl your doing a great job at what you can do and your guy he needs to be comended for what he dose for you and the baby don't worry about him geting tired of takeing care of you and your baby girl if he loves you he will stay so have as meany kids as you want
North Manchester, In,
i'm watching a show about you on the discovery health channel right now and you were reading off these comments that people left you online.. saying things like "midgets should be executed" and "if your baby is little then she should be put to sleep"?? these are HORRIBLE people with some *serious* issues. PLEASE don't take what they say personally. no one but the mentally ill or deranged would think that way, and to tell you the truth, *they* probably don't even actually think that but are just trying to be controversial for attention. you just do what you want and what you think is right. you love that baby and are taking good care of her and that's all that matters. you seem like a really fun person and more power to you for doing what you want to do, no matter the obstacles! you're an inspiration :)
Hey you guys just keep working on your family love each other and that will be the best come back you can do to the ignorant folk who say such horrible things. We are all born flawed human beings and it who we become on the inside that determines our worth and certainly not how tall we are. I think it is wonderful that you found each other. I have had over 29 operations myself and I am 5'6. I wish you all the best and dont let anything any dingbat says bother you, Rae, Georgia
Oh, and PS- you're not the only one that sucks at bowling ;) i'm of average height and am awful!
Just watched your story on tv. The two of you make a wonderful couple. I commend you for going ahead with your pregnancy and you now have a beautiful daughter due to your courage. Jeremy should be commended too...what a caring and loving person he is. To take care of his Mother at such a young age and to be so involved now. You can tell that he loves you both so much. All the best to you in your lives ahead. Lori
Dear Cristianne and Jeremy,
I'm watching a re-run of the show. I just wanted to tell you that you're both beautiful people inside and out. Cristianne, my dear, I loved seeing you smile. You are so pretty!
I know it's hard when people stare at you and say hurtful things. The same thing happens to me all the time and I just tell myself that I don't have a problem THEY are the ones with the problem.
Continue to surround yourself with people who love you. You have a beautiful daughter. She's very lucky to grow up with two parents who obviously love her very much.
Bless you,
To Cristianne and Jeremy...I just got done watching your show and I Instantly had to look you up online because I got terribly angry at what you were reading off of the computer what comments people were leaving. Ignore what people say because they will just get the best of you. And that was exactly what they wanted to hear Is that they actually hurt your feelings. There are some truly horrible people In this world and they should definitely not be a judge of character. They forgot one little thing...a little thing called karma, they want to talk about whats wrong with you well they better watch out when there child is born because karma might come around to bite them in the ass and if there child is already born that same thing could still bite. People are cold and heartless and just think of how they will raise there children to be just like them cold and heartless. Your baby will not be like that because you are a good person. Remember real beauty is on the inside but as I can see on you It Is also on the outside. You are a beautiful girl and dont let anyone tell you differently. And that baby Is absolutely BEAUTIFUL so screw what people say. I wish you and jeremy and that beautiful baby the best and all the happiness in the world!!
I'm watching your show today on the Health Channel. I live just north of Seattle! And this is the first I have heard of you and your story - my head must be in the 'sand'. LOL! I think you and Jeremy are very brave. I'm very glad that you are going to live your life the way you want to regardless of any challenges and/or hardships. Eliz
Cristianne, I noticed you reading posts on your computer, on your show. I could not believe the odasity of the people that left those lame comments. The funny thing is that besides your bones every aspect you is normal. In fact more normal than most. You are different physically but others are far worse in there polluted insecure minds. You are the American dream and you are my new inspiration, thank you.
Hello! Discovery health is showing Worlds Smallest Mom, now. First, Cristianne is absolutly beautiful, Jeremy is very handsome and Krysten is just gorgeous! I think all of you are just so wonderful. I want to wish you all the best of luck and wanted to let Cristianne know about something we have in Maryland. Its duckpin bowling, the balls and pins are smaller and I think you would enjoy it alot. Anyways, best of luck and wishing you all the happiness in the world.
Hey Cristianne Ray and family! You and your family are truely blessed. i think that the people who leave negative comments are bitter because a person with your condition can find love and they cant. they're just haters and will always be bitter and lonely. they cant find one person to love them and you have millions who love you. much luv
It upset both my wife and I when we heard the comments you read from what we call "ignorant people". They don't appreciate life or the love of someone special no matter the size or other needs of the person. If these people had a child which was small or of special needs and didn't want them then they could send the child/children our way. We appreciate your and your family's story being told on Discovery Health.
Our daughter was premature with health problems of her own. We were told if she lived past preschool age that we would have to institutionalize her and she would never walk or talk. They were wrong on all accounts we are glad to say.
You enjoy your family and don't let those "ignorant people" get you down.
Peace, Blessings, and Love,
Rev. Robert E. and Rev. Denise S. Murchison, Vision Ministries, Sallisaw, Oklahoma
How are you, your daughter, and your husband doing. Since the show was filmed you should have had your wedding by now. Hope you are all doing fine.
In just watched your show, and I think your a beautiful and wonderful person! And your daughter is beautiful! As for anybody who gives you a negative comment,just ignore them. Some people are just like that, so I hope you ignore them. I wish you the absolute best for you and your family!
I justed watched your both are brave, beautiful, loved and cared for by your family, friends and many people around the world. It is sad that people can say such hurtful things...but just remember..they are living a sad life. Do your happy..and just love on your wonderful daughter. I wish you three nothing but happiness.
Hi Cristianne and Jeremy,
Alexandra here....I just saw your show and I think that you both have a lot of love for each other and Kyrsten of course. It broke my heart to hear of some of the terrible things that people are saying about you. You have something very beautiful together. It's what is on the inside of a person that counts. Not the outside that people can harshly judge you by, these days. I grew up with learning disabilities and I have Bipolar Disorder, and I know what it is like being judged. You both make very, very loving caring parents to Kyrsten, and I do hope that you have more children one day. Take Care!
I want to thank you for doing your show. I just finished watching it. Just remember there are some small minded people out there in the world. You are a wonderful lady and mother. Bless you for telling the world about you and your family.I wish you all the happiness in the world. Good luck with your marriage.
I don't get it. Any of it. Kids having kids, out of wedlock is always a bad idea - CHOOSING to become pregnant and carry to term, knowing what debilitating congenital conditions you could pass on is deplorable behavior. Selfish comes to mind. Now that you've had this child (and locked in your man) Cristianne the least you could do is pull your weight by not being eternally whining and annoying. You got that way by being babied because of your conditon, a failure that many parents of special needs children make. Well, you have a baby now. With the same condition you have. So even if the show is about you, stop acting like a spoiled brat. You couldn't pass your driving theory test to maybe alleviate some burden from Jeremy (God Bless him)? Come on girl. And is it just me, but how in God's name has this girl been around for 17 years & can't reach a doorknob in the house, food in the fridge, or climb into bed on her own? I don't see one lick of handicapped accesible ANYTHING in that house to allow her independence. I know little people who can barely even walk and are fiercely independent. And that shade tree mechanic of a brother who is going to rig up brackets in the Jeep so she can drive and ....what, kill herself or someone else? Have they not heard of the handicapped accesible industry there?!! Cant they buy her a properly equipped car w/ the TV money (so we could have even more drama). This whole deal makes no sense at all - I just don't get it. Codependcy personafied.
hi! i just watched the show and i wanted to commend you on being a great mom. the person that said that all little people should be killed should be shot himself. i think you will be a great mom. im sure you will have some hard times with everything but you seem like a very strong person. i am a navy wife and i have two children. even i have hard times and i am a so called normal height. so im sure you will have your fair share. dont let anyone tell you that you should never have children. if you want them, there should be nothing stopping you. i had my oldest when i was 19 too. i hope your baby has a happy and healthy life. i wish you and your fiance the best of luck. believe in yourself and you can do anything. hey, think about it this way, you were a strong enough woman to get pregnant and keep the pregnancy going great and have a beautiful little girl. keep up the great work. remember, you are a strong woman and an awsome mom! take care! lesley
Cristianne, I just wanted to tell you that It hurts to read the things that people say. You appeare to be a great mom and are trying to get the things that you need to take care of your baby. People are just mean these days and dont understand that little people as yourself need to have a normal life to, have kids get married , it is all part of life and with out life we have nothing. I dont have and disabilities myself but my brother lives with spina bifida and I see how it affects him. It is hard and I am very happy to see that you are going on with your life. Just remenber God gives special kids to special people so he abviously thought that you are special so dont listen of pay and attention to what the bad people have to say. Good luck with your baby and your marrage and if you can get through the petty things then you can get through anything
Sincerly, Tyna
I would like to say your an amazing person and father! You are truly blessed. I know your mother would be proud of you! You do such a great job with your beautiful daughter, keep up the hard work, not every man can do it. I wish the best to you and your family. Dont give up, the lord is with you!
I would like to say you have a beautiful daughter, she will be kept in my prayers. Dont pay attention to all the negitive feedback from people, they are ignorant and dont know any better. Continue to love your daughter to the maximum and take good care of Jeremy. He is a great guy the lord gave you so you need to treat him good. I would like to say you can kind of be bossy and needy just because you know Jeremy will do it. Just take care of him and your new precious daughter! God Bless.
Hey just seen your show.I think your very brave for having a baby with your limitations.Also I think its a show of such loyalty and love on Jeremy's part to take on such a task like this. He is in my eyes the most wonderful man alive.You should thank God everyday for this man in your life.There will never be another one.
Hello Christianne ! First of all LOVE YOUR SMILE and your facial features.Cute voice to get your way !! LOL,Soo snuggly looking. God bless you and your boyfriend it was meant to be.I saw your show on discovery health,you brought smiles to me for days and made me cry also.But please one thing my little one,dont have your boyfriend pull u by 1 arm when your in the bowling alley or any where else,that killed me u need to be treated like platnum.And for all the people that leave rude comments about you F -- them.Cant belive how u made my heart jump.Take care snuggly,lil snuggler,and boyfriend and ur mom. Jimbo
I think that is great hat you can stand it all. Being stared at and stuff... There is nothing wrong with you or you baby, and I'm sorry about the cleft pallet, that is just the way God wnated you to be. Don't listen to people who think there is something wrong with you. I may be only 12 but I think that you are a great person. You live your life, found love, and had a beautiful baby with your husband. People who make fun of you just don't understand that you have feelings too. Have a good life. And tell your husband to react to these comments a bit more!
Hi Cristianne,
Your show came on last night here in Jacksonville, NC. Girl you have got what it takes to be a great mom. I wouldn't let anyone in this world put you down at any cost just because of your size. I just want to wish you and Jeremy the best along with your daughter. She is so beautiful. You have made so many accomplishment in your life. Keep on going girl! Take care of that little one! God Bless you and your family!
I saw the show the other day, and all I can say is geez. Christianne kept sayin how she "lives normal" and everything but she's so dependent, especially on Jeremy. She is completely whiney too, I almost couldn't stand watching and listening to her. "Mooooove, I can't seeeeeeeee" It was unbelievably annoying. "Drag me" do this, do that, whine whine whine. I won't watch anything else involving her. You could see the frustration on Jeremy's face at having to take care of two babies.
My sister and I watched the show last night in California and we LOVE you guys. We are soo proud of you and Jeremy and yout love that conquers all. You have an awesome family.....stick with what you're doing.. It works. ;) Lots of love sent your way.....
Laura and DeeDee
GOD BLESS YOU n your family ALWAYS i really truly ADMIRE YOU.
Blah, blah, blah, ... all you well-wishers. Do your balloons ever land?? People, please. I don't want to be cruel, but this girl (notice I didn't say woman) is living in fantasy land and you're all encouraging her. It's true she can't help her condition but she could try to be responsible for her actions. To me it seems comparable to the situations of drug addicted or alcoholic mothers. They have a disease as well and run the risk of having deformed or retarded children. Do we encourage them to keep having more even though they can't care for the ones they have?? Where's all the "God bless you" comments when a crack mama brings another innocent child into the world with disabilities she caused? That turns you off, but would it be better if we called them "chemically challenged"? Would that make it ok? Christianne is just as selfish, immature, and irresponsible as they are, if not more so. At least they can change their disabilities -- she cannot. She makes no serious effort at even trying to become more independent (and the whole driving thing is a joke). What this girl needs is not your admirations. She needs a serious reality check!!
And who's really to blame is her parents. NO child of mine, handicapped or otherwise, is going to lay up in my house with their boyfriend having babies. Her parents need to stop babying her and get a grip on things!
Hey there cristianne and jeremy!!
i just want to say that you should not let ignorant people get on your nerves!! i can already tell yall are going to be amazing parents and love each other for a very long time!! congrats on your wonderful daughter! MUAH!!
I m personally impressed with your story !
Please remeber we don't choose the way we look, it is a God given thing. but we can choose our atitude.
Good luck to each one of your family
God Bless
I'm watching your show and I think you are all amazing. Jeremy seems like a great guy and he is great with the baby. Your mom is great. . . she's there for you! You are very pretty. I think it's great that you have this beautiful baby and you and Jeremy are doing the right thing. Don't listen to stupid people that say stupid things. I wish you all the best of luck!!!
I just saw the show for the first time on Discovery Health. I think you're great! You are very lucky:) Where did you find your man, girl? Never have I ever met a man that has such a big, wonderful heart! You better hold on to him tight. There's just nop others like him, and if so, it's far and few! I wish all of you the best of luck, especially to your daughter. She is so adorable! God Bless you all!
hello i am watching you all as i am typing this i enjoy seeing that you all have aa good outlook on life and wish you the best
i pray that your family lives a long healthy life we all have some kind of problems in our lifes me i have epelipsy and is fixing to no longer have a dl cause of it but life goes on and am glad to see you have found somone you love and care about you two are truely blessed my prayers go out to you and your family have fun in life and GOD bless. your baby is beautiful take good care of her they grow up fast
i know this has to be very late,
but your baby is gorgeous. your story is amazing. dont listen to all them close-minded people because they dont know the struggles that you've been through and the struggles you will go through. i remember a part on your show where you said that you only wanted to be normal. well, you are extordinary. and normal is the absence of individuality. god bless your family, and keep your heads up like your noses be bleedin'. =]
I fully support folks having children who are mentally, financially, and psycholically ready to have children.
Christianne is NOT. Neither is Jeremy. Shame on her for putting him in that situation. It's bad enough he spent the majority of his childhood careing for his mom who had cancer... now he's to spend the rest of his life carrying around Cristianne?!
How long does she think he'll put up with her whinny, pitiful attitude?
Her baby was choking and she couldnt so much as crawl off her stool to help. She may not be able to walk, but I as a mother would do anything in the world to get to my child to at least suction her nose, etc.
I just got done watching your show and I just wanted to say that your family is beautifula nd I hope that you do have more kids...your a great mom. Your marriage gives me hope that no matter who u are there is always someone(soul mate) out there for you. So GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!
Christianne and Jeremy you both are amazing. Life is cruel in so many ways and it is sad that so many people have such negative minds. Congrats on the marriage and what a beautiful sweet daughter you have. "God" created Jeremy for you and what a man! He stands so proud of you, it just makes "Love" a beautiful thing and the way he looks at you with all his heart OMG. You got it going on girlfriend!!!!!! Keep up all the positive things you do, you are "My Hero" for just being you.
Good luck you guys,great family story. Cute kid and Kyrsten and Jeremy are the cutest couple ever. Stay together, life is not easy.
Christianne and Jeremy
You are an inspiration to all who know you. I think you have a beautiful daughter. I see no reason why you should not have more (Jeremy, 7 is too many even for someone average heighth :)Congrats on your upcoming wedding. You should get a myspace so we who care can keep updated with how you guys are doing. Thanks for the inspiration. Dawn
Hi chritianne I was watching your show today. There was a part you was reading the mean comments people have left. I don't want to say I can't believe that there are people who would say such mean things, but there are people out there and that is so sad.
I think that Jeremy and your relationship is love and that is all that matteres. You both have a beautiful daughter and you have family who love you all.
Someone said you was winning to much.. well they should of just changed the channel if they did not like it, but I bet they watched the how show huh..
My daughter 17 and myself loved the show we was like awwwww all through the end.
There is someone out there for someone and you found him and i may say he is a cutie.. CONGRADULATIONS on your wedding day.
Your a beautiful person love your personality.. I loved when you said drag me when you was bowling.. we lol..
okay well just leave a comment ..
princess :)
Don't let anyone put you down for who you are. God makes people the way they are and no one else has the right to say things that are mean, you have a beautiful family.
Jeremy, I love you. You are a wonderful person, with a big heart for love. You have a great family. Your baby is beautiful.
Cristianne, You are a wonderful person, who wants the best out of life. We all want the best out of life. You and Jeremy are a match made in heaven, you know he love you.
Your show had me with tears in my eyes. I wish you both the best and lot of happinnes in the future. Love is not about looks and size. It's all inside the heart. And you two have it.
I saw how sad you were as you were reading those nasty messages. Don't worry. There are alot of insecure people out there, that don't have a life or someone to love and they have to take it out on someone. Those type of people don't know what love and life is really about. So there for they judge just to satisfy them self.
You two are what life and love is all about to make it to the end. I hope your wedding is golden. And your baby is going to love you no matter what. Keep in touch, would love to keep tabs with you and Jeremy.
A friend in ----MI----
hi my name is jennifer i was watching you show let me tell you my story i have a lernaing disabilty and i have a 2 year old littel gril and a frined told me i should got a an aborstion i told them that god gave her to me fro a reson like god gave you your littel on e to you i love my littel gril very much i you would like to talk some time here is my # 1-757 665 5137 and my email we may become friends please give me a call god bless
Hello, I just finished watching your show on Discovery Health Channel and I just wanted to say ya'll are a truly beautiful family. I can't imagine the struggles ya'll have to face on a daily basis. I hope you won't be discouraged by all the people who post ugly comments, they truly need help. You are an inspiration to all sizes, big and small. I wish the best for you, Jeremy and your beautiful baby girl.
Best Wishes,
Jeremy, you are my new hero. Of all the people facing the unique challenges of your family, you are the only one doing so purely by choice. Your attitude is truly inspiring. I'd like to buy you a beer sometime.
You'd like to buy him a beer? Buy him A beer? ONE beer? Better buy him a CASE of beer! OMG, all that whining he has to listen to, dragging around Cristianne both at home and in public, staying at home (actually her mother's home) to care for a sickly baby... the boy probably needs a good drunk!
Hey Cristianne, your show aired quite some time ago, then the same show just recently. When's the follow-up? Some of us want to know if Mr. Wonderful stuck around after the cameras were off, or if he wised up. At least put a post on here to let us know. Your public wants to know if life is still just peachy...
Hey I watched you guys and I was just struck at so many things. First, Cristianne, Kyrsten and Jeremy already have to deal with bullshit every day of their lives and to come on TV and let people see how they live takes alot of balls. Secondly, their baby is beautiful and being well cared for...they have an amazing support system and it is no different than someone who maybe has no arms and needs their spouse or parent to assist them. Thirdly,I think that all these idiots talking smack on the internet can't grasp their tiny minds around the fact that these people love eachother and are willing to work harder than your average person to make their lives happy. I am thankful to see that there are good people out their who truly aren't afraid to be who they are and not worry about what people say. I think Cristianne is a beautiful girl with a kick-ass attitude and I love her voice...she is great! Jeremy is the bomb...he loves her and is willing to help her because that's what a partner does. Kyrsten has a right to be here as much as any other child...she will be loved and cherished no matter what size she grows to be. As Cristianne says, you better watch what you say, genetic disorders are a random thing and can happen to anyone...anyways,enough preaching you guys are wicked good people, and good luck in the future! :)
I am watching your show right now and I hear you reading those nasty, cruel, comments from a truely horrible, ignorant person. I admire you and your courage, and that baby of yours is just BEAUTIFUL. (Your husband isnt bad either. LOL) YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
I think it's great what you're doing. Hope your baby is happy and healthy. If she has you're personality, she will go far in the world.
My teenage daughter and I are currently viewing the show as I type, I watched you and your husband read the some of the ignorant emails...this is not one of them. Frankly they need prayer! God has blessed the 3 of you and EVERYTHING happens for a reason...your circumstance happens to be one of the good ones.
Congrats on getting your license! Just pray for the ignorant people too that dwell in this world~God made them too. Some people are just so miserable that they do not know how to appreciate the goodness in life. I will keep you and your beaautiful family in my prayers. I must say to you Cristianne>> You are awesome and VERY couragious...Well done!
I, too, am watching you on Discovery Health right now. What a blessing you are! You are an inspiration to ALL people, no matter what size, shape, color or creed! Don't waste any of your vibrant energy on people who obviously have no happiness in their own lives - We love you and your family:)
Despite some of the bas comments written, just know that there are MANY more people that pulling for the three of you. You have your health...Keep bowling (I 'm not good at it either) but it's a good form of exercise, you have a wonderful, caring. loving husband and a beautiful daughter.You are TRULY blessed.
Cristianne, I just want you to know that I admire you and Jeremy. You both show so much love for each other and even more for your daughter. Your daughter was given to you for a reason. God never makes a mistake, there is always a reason and a purpose for everything and everyone.
As for you rude people. You really have no room to talk. Everyone, and I do mean everyone has a genetic defect that can be passed on to their children. You either know you have a gentic defect and that it can be passed on. Or you don't know if you have it,and it can be passed on. So grow the heck up yourselves. It is none of your buisness who has children or not. I am going to be rude like you,and say that all people who are prejudice should not have children. So you don't teach them your bad, negative, and ugly traits. Shame on you for saying anything when your prejudice is the worst disease of them all!
For you rude people to know, I have a disease that can be passed on as well. And I have two children, who are fine thank you very much. But I am constantly having to take them to the doctor to make sure that they are still free from the disease. And if they don't have it doesn't mean that they are not carriers themselves. But I hope that they have children of their own. And yes I pray that they never get it or pass it on, but if they do, then oh well. Love is not prejudice, or picky about who it goes to. Love knows no boundaries, Love just is, and free moving. I hope God helps those that are prejudice and helps them to see the light. Hate is just ugly, let it go!
Anyways, congradulations on your little girl. God bless you and your family.
Rebecca White
P.S. Don't listen to the idiots that post stupid remarks. To be honest, they are just jealous because you found the love of your life and created a beautiful daughter. :o)
I just saw the special on Cristianne and her family. I applaud them for their positive attitudes and great parenting. God bless!
Cristianne & Jeremy -
I hope you still read these posts. I'm very proud of both of you.
I'm watching the special on Discovery Channel as I write this. My girlfriend was 3ft 2in (she had OI)and we were friends for over 30 years. Cristianne, when I was watching, you remind me of her, so I wanted to write.
You know, being short was part of who Greer was, and I wouldn't have changed that for anything. People use to stare at us, but I would always joke about it. Don't take to heart any of those terrible things people say about short people. I would never let Greer feel bad about them, she was beautiful just as you are.
Greer, had been in a wheel chair from childhood, but that didn't keep her from doing stuff. We did gym class together while in school, held fund raisers for MD and dance-a-thons. I made her do lots of thing you'd think would scare her... I strapped her to me while on a moped once and we went riding, I even took her sleding once (little hills). Greer like bowling too. She went to college (on her own by the way), went clubbing with friends, got married to the best guy for her (just as Jeremey is for you), she did finally get her license and had special van made for her. Glad you are doing the same.
One thing she never did was have kids. While she said she didn't want kids, I think a small part of her sorta did. However, she had mom-like experiences with my kids though from getting throwed up on (lol) to my kids getting big enough to pick her up!! Your little Kyrsten is beautiful. Hope if you have more all goes well.
Please feel free to write (, I'm a mom and now a grandmom even. While I'm tall for short, I'm short for average - but I know all the stuff Greer went through with being small, so I can totally relate. [Like how hard it is when you can't get somewhere when you want.]
Wishing you all the best, great happiness, health and love.
Cristianne & Jeremy,
My daugther's and I just saw you on tv today for the first time and you all have touched our hearts. The three of you are a blessing for this world and may your lives be full of continuous happiness. As for the ignorant people who write dumb remarks you can easily see that their brains are made of cow poop (putting it in a nice term).Don't ever let anyone bring your spirits and hopes for your's and your daughter's future down. May God bless your future together and your very beautiful daughter. You are both blessed to have found eachother and are blessed with a love that can conquer anything.
I am so tired of hearing shame on her, I am watching your show right now. Who do all these negative people think they are and what will they say for themselves when they are being judged? Everyone has the right to persue happiness, and even though her daughter may be as short as she is all of you negative people will never be half of what they have so...look up all you negative people because that is who will be judging you. As for Cristianne Ray, Jeremy and the family, never waste time on small minds shoot for the stars and love each other well. from cfrog07
Are you people insane? Did you watch the same show that I did? Christianne is practically helpless! She doesn't even do for herself the things she COULD do. She has Jeremy draw her butt around when she needs to be trying to get around herself, getting some exercise in. And that whining! OMG, it's like nails screetching on a chalk board! I thought I was going to have to hit mute on the TV! And all those whims of hers -- she wants to drive, she wants to have 3 more babies that she won't be able to take care of, .....does she want to be an astronaut too? Well, buy her a space ship!
Seriously, it's ok to wish her well, but some of you people are as ridiculous and irresponsible as she is, encouraging her to do everything except what she needs to do most, which is GROW UP! Being 2'7" doesn't entitle anyone with good sense to remain infantile or just plain lazy, and sit around all day thinking up stupid new things to try for the novelty of it.
Good God, wake up people! Everything about this girl is just WRONG....
i felt sad at the begining but at the end i was smiling on my own in front of the tv. i have just seen you guys on the discovery channel. you are very lucky having each otehr.
i was just wondering if there is an account i can donate some money. not because i am sorry for you, but because i admire you both and i know your life is very difficult and especially with a child and we all know that money are very important at these situations.
I hope you learn to drive and get your car ASAP.
sorry about my english writting, its not my native language
kyrsten ,i am all my heart with you.....your story touch my are incredible person.god bless you. kristina
Christianne, I see from the advertisments that the show about you will be airing again next week. Are you going to be an update at any time? I first saw your show about a year ago, and I'd like to know how things are going. I'm sure a lot of people would. Did you ever learn to drive? How is your baby doing? Did you have any more? How is Jeremy and your mom? Do you still live with her? You should do an update to let your fans know what's happening. Looking forward to seeing the show again!
Cristianne Ray,
I can't believe all of the nasty comments people have left you.People need to give us short woman a break.Yes I to am short.I am only 4ft7.I am 31yrs old.I find it very hard to get a boyfriend.But I am trying not to let it bother me.Congrats on your baby girl.She is georgous.
hey my name is joe h. I am from ohio. I have two kids of my own. I think you two are absolutly wonderful! I think you guys are really such an inspiration for the whole world. I did notice in your show that you kept saying you wanted to be normal. what I think is funny about that statement is I have never met a normal think as far as a person and a couple for that matter you are as normal as it gets. as long as you have love and happiness that's all the normal you need to be. however you could work on your bowling. lol... well I wish you guys the best of luck in life. you will be wonderful parents. take care of that little girl of yours and I look forward to watching you guys.
watching your show and you are a beautiful woman and your bf is a great man and i hope all the happiness in the world for all of you and to those with close minds back off if they are happy together that is what mattters
1st i would like 2 say i jus watched ur show & was very upset about some of the things i was hearing. people r rude & inconsiderant.thats baby of urs is a beautiful little girl!!! u guys r so blessed! Cristianne, i just would like 2 say 2 u that its great 2 b different, im different. u tell them like i do u laugh cuz im different, i laugh cuz ur all the same. one must b different 4 one 2 b irreplacable, ya digg?? shes very lucky 2 hav u, i can tell that ur goin 2 do a great job. Jeremy, ur a great father & there is not any one like u!! no man will b able 2 sit there thru all that shyt these people r puttin u 2 thru. Kyrsten is gooin 2 n c that her parnets r the best people in the world. i hope that u guys live a happy, healthy lives!! n when people get in ur face u tell them hatas like i do " hate me or love me either way im always on ur mind"
Christianne and Jeremy and your beautiful baby,
All of you are pretty amazing. I live in Cleveland OH, and watched your story tonight on TV. I want to wish you and your family the best of luck. You can really see it Jeremy eyes, how much he love you and your daughter. I wish Love, Joy and Happiness.
God Bless you and your family.
Pam frm Cleveland OH
hi christianne, i just finished watching your show and i am amazed by the strength you had to have a child, you are a beautiful girl and DON'T let anyone bring you down because your not tall, it doesn't make you a bad person. and even if your daughter has the same condition as you, it doesn't mean a thing. she will definitely grow up to be just as beautiful as you.
you're fiance is such a great person to have the strength to help you, raise a child and deal with the loss of his mother, you two are perfect for each other.
you have proven that anyone can do anything if you just try. i wish you the best of luck with your daughter and the marriage to your fiance. and if people say anything to you, tell them "i'm not short, i'm fun-sized" :) you have definitely changed the world!
Hi my name is tonya i have watched your show obviously and i cant imagine why the hell these people are writing nasty comments i think that they must just be mad that their lives dont seem as normal as yours even though you have a disability it is your moms choice to help you my mom helped me plenty i just want to say that i think you gave birth to such a cute baby and i am really glad that you found someone who truely loves you i think you and your family are precious and seem to be wonderful people and by the way i think you are very very pretty so i can understand what jeremy must have seen in you.good luck and if you want someone to talk to i would absolutely love to have updates on you and your family please return a email at
I applaud Cristianne and her family she's an amazing woman! I'm short too only 4' 7" and I had a perfectly fine baby who is now 13. Anyone who left an ignorant and rude comment about Cristianne and her boyfriend are brain dead she's only doing what a woman should do is have a family! She's doing just fine with her baby yes there are challenges with having a baby but she has over come them. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way YOU GO GIRL!!
Dearest Cristianne, Jeremy and Kyrsten...
For starters, please forgive me if I have spelled any of the names wrong!!!
Having said that...
Thank you for sharing your story and letting me into your life. The 3 of you have become such an inspiration to me. I have shunned love for so long out of a pointless fear of losing it. I have shunned the idea having children because I was afraid (s)he may take on some of the "unfavorable" genetics of my family. What I have learned from you is that, even though I consider myself an "open" "tolerable" "understanding" person, my outlook was nothing short of ignorant. I will not waste my time punishing myself for this ignorance, however, I will now begin to see things in the way they should be seen. There are no "unfavorable" genetics. A child is your child. Your lover is your lover. Your family is your family. Love is the common thread. And the amazing thing about love, is that it unconditional. I did not realize the truth behind that until I got to watch your story. I don't know if you will ever read this comment. I don't know if you will ever know what you have given. Either way, I know what you have given me. I wll be eternally grateful that you have opened my eyes! I will be eternally grateful that you have allowed me to become an honestly good person. Everything I thought I was is nothing to who I am now. I only hope now to actually partake in the wonder of being pregnant and having a child of my own. I hope to be able to see how the 3 (and maybe one day more) of you are doing as time passes! Feel free to contact me at
Christianne and Jeremy and your beautiful baby,
Hi I had just seen your story for the first time to night just have to say that when I heard you read out some of the comments the human side of me was angery then the christine side of me was sad for those people because they most not have GOD in their life so I will say a special prayer for them tonight.. For as your family I think that baby is so blessed to have you to in her life I hope that things are going good for you in 2008 if you are ever have time to just chat please IM me @ wish you well
I am also watching your show as I am typing. and I was watching you get upset at those assine comments. They can piss off. You have a beautiful baby girl. Good luck with everything.
I think you are speacial you and jeremy and the baby are.Dont let those other with small brains get to you. Hope your wedding day turns out bright and beutiful gl
congrats Jscott
This comment has been removed by the author.
I’m watching your show right now. The part where you were reading peoples comments upset me. I cant believe how closed minded people are! As a young mother myself, I understand how hard it is to raise a child. I am amazed by you, not because of your size but because of your ability to brush it off. I think you are an awesome mom and your little girl is beautiful. I have high hopes for the three of you.
I wish all the love and happiness to you and Jeremy and kyrsten .You are a beautiful and strong person who has found a special person to spend your life with and you have a beautiful baby . Your are a lucky person to find love in your life . Stay strong good luck in your life.....You rock !!!! Never give up.....You can do anything....Love, Cassandra ~
Youre beautiful for a little person.
You looked stunning in your dress.
I hope all goes well :)
In regaurd to all the jerks that comment on here they need to realize that little people have children all the time!! Big people have little children all the time! I hope one of you jerks have a little child and realize how amazing they are and that they are people to!! You people are the selfish ones because you wont open your eyes and mind to different things!! Cristianne is a great person and a great mother!! She may not be able to everything that tall mothers can do but she does everything she can! If Jeremy want to marry her then let him!! Its love nothing matters to people that are in love. No body really talks about different races dating and getting married so SHUT YOUR MOUTHS and find something else to talk about!!
Kayla 18yrs old
Columbus Montana
your daughter is the most beautiful baby ive ever seeeeeen
good luckk<3
Like others have said i was watching the show and heard the rudeness of some people and decided to put what i think on here...i think that u have a wonderful future and that hopefully u and all ur family grows up happy,healthy and joyful.i have alil one of my own lil boy and a fiance and i would not trade my family or have any regret -good luck in all u do !!!!
Hello.. I am watching your show as I type this, and it is just so inspiring to see that you and your family are all pulling together! You have so much love and devotion to eachother and your beautiful baby! Forget all those comments that you read and hear, you give a whole new meaning to unconditional love! Watching this brings tears to my eyes as I am a mother of 3 children and I couldn't even imagine what I would do if I was put in your situation. You two are so strong willed, determined, persistant, loving, caring and devoted parents! I also want to comment on your mom, dad, brother and of course Jeremy for helping you through all of this. It has to be one of the most challenging and rewarding thing all at the same time!
Size doesn't measure how a person is on the inside, and that is what matters the most! I can't beleive how closed minded some people can be! They are just jealous as they don't have what you have! A beautiful little girl, a loving family and a strong mind!
My prayers go out to you and yours! Take care of that beautiful baby and eachother!
Blessings! Sheila and family
I have to say you're whiny voice is unbearable. Good God, grow up and stop acting like a 6 year-old. The part on the show where you're bowling and saying "Jeremy drag me" or "I hate bowling, I suck" was ridiculous. Stop the whining. F**ing irritating. Give ur husband a break and stop being so lazy.
Dear Cristianne Ray,
I am a insecure 17 year old girl and when i saw you on tv, you took my breath away. You are so gorgeous, and you seem to love yourself, something i struggle with. I thought to myself, that if you can see your own beaty, then why cant I? Espically since you had a baby, I mean omgosh, do you ever look bad? When I saw you read those nasty comments people wrote to you, I sarted to cry. You, Jeremy, and Kristen are amazing people, and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. I hope you read this, because you helped me so much in just the 60 min that you appeared on the tv screen. I hope that you and your family continue to do well and that Kristen's opperation goes smoothly. Thank you for your time, and thank you for helping me see my own beauty.
The 17 year old girl :)
Hello My name is amanda and I like watching your showes. I think that you are amazing women. I was born with short arms and it was hard for me to grow up. IK had to lurn to do things different then other people . It is so nice to see that you have amazing soon to be husbend. He reminds me like my soon to be husbend. He is the best thing that has happend to me he has to help to do alot of things that I cant reach or do. I hope all goes go good for you on driveing it took me a long time to drive just cause og my arms they are only 6 inches. But you will get it i know you will you have the same out look on life like I do and what I mean by that is that nothing will stop you from doing anything. "OH" when I was watching I saw that your man does not like people to stare at you eaither does mine , I just got use to it so it does not bother me has much has does him, Because when you have to deal with all of your life and every were you go. I hope your life is full with joy and just be happy in lfe.
Thank You
I would love for you to write me back this is amanda again I would love to talk to you about something and just have a friend I dont have alot cause i am judge all the time
Thank You Again
You and your daughter are very very pretty. You are angles sent from heaven! Please send me updated photos of your sweet little baby girl at
God Bless You!
jeremy is SO FUCKING HOT i would love to suck that dick
Your family is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your stories with everyone! Good luck with everything
Your family is beautiful. Bless the differences because we all live with some handicap, Some are just more visible than others. When you have a visible handicap people either stare or completely ignore you... you are invisible. I can no longer walk because of multiple back injuries. I am now invisible. Love your bowling technique. You have given me the confidence to try to bowl again. I'll figure out a technique that will work for me.
you two are sooo cute and the baby is absolutely ADORABLE!! I love how strong you guys are and can brush off everyone elses comments on how "it shouldn't" be....your very strong, and have a beautiful perspective on life. I was wondering if you had a myspace/face book or web page of your family to keep updated on your family news. stay strong and happy...lots of love.
Hey Christianne and Jeremy. First off, you have a gorgeous baby girl. The love between you two (or three, I should say) is amazing, and I truly admire you both for not letting the stupid people that leave unnecessarily mean comments on here stand in the way of anything. It's truly been great looking at all the positive comments posted on here, and I agree. You both are truly wonderful people, and I know Kyrsten will grow up to be a beautiful person, both inside and out, rather like you Christianne. Thanks for shedding some positive light in the world. I wish the best for you all.
- Janell
I don't think that anyone should have told Cristianne to have an abortion because something may have been wrong with her child, but I do think that it was completely selfish of her and Jeremy to bring a baby into this world without being ready. First off Jeremy dropped out of high school and they live with Cristianne's parents. Secondly, with Cristianne being so small she is not able to do anything on her own, especially care for a baby, or a toddler when it gets to that point. Every time she wants to see the baby someone has to bring the baby to her and situate the two of them into a position that works, she couldn't even change the diaper without whining about how it was uncomfortable. As for the cleft the poor baby has, she sometimes chokes on milk that fills her mouth, Cristianne can't even get off the couch to help, Jeremy or the mom have to take care of it. How will she ever be home alone with the baby? What if something happened and she needed to get the baby out of the house, she can't even walk herself. These are all things they should have taken into consideration before they decided they were ready for a baby. They claim it wasn't planned, but Cristianne said on an interview with ABC that the "sex is great" two kids without the commen sense to use protection are not ready to be parents.
I watched your story last night and when I heard some of the things people were saying I wanted to voice my opinion. Cristianne, you are such a beautiful young lady both on the inside and out. Jeremy, you are more of a man then most males 10+ years older then you. I don't know many males that would do what you do and not complain and use the poor poor me card. Heck, there aren't many dads of "normal" children that stick around and care for their child half of how you take care of yours. Krysten is a very lucky child to have such great parents!! None of your lives will be easy, but realistically whose life is. You both love eachother and have the support of family (Jeremy I am sure your mom is looking down on you and just beaming with pride) and that is more then some "normal" couples. The comments about you shouldn't have gotten pregnant and you shouldn't have had the baby - people just don't think. What is wrong with bringing a child into this world to a loving family? And the point about bringing a baby that isn't "normal" into the world .... so what we should terminate every pregnancy in which the child might not be normal, then that would be every pregnancy. I would rather know that a child is born to a loving couple who will have their struggles then to an acoholic dad and a druggie of a mom. This world has lost sight on what is important in this world. The world needs more people with hears like yours and I am glad that you have brought one more into this world. Best of luck!!
Christianne and Jeremy...
I watched the show on TLC about the 2 of you and I couldnt wait to get on the internet and express to you what wonderful people you are. I hope that the joy the 2 of you have with your daughter is one many people will never forget. You touched my life so much, within one hour, that I will keep watching as you 2 continue with your love and watch Kyrsten grow.
Much love to all of you and keep your spirits high.
I watched a show about you and your family last night and just think its great what is going on with you, and to say that the baby is beautiful and for the people that have something bad to say about you and you family are just small hearted and minded. it really doesn't matter about your size it's not the outside that counts it's the inside, and i think your doind a wonderful job and there are alot of people out there that could learn alot fron you.
I am 5'6" but you are still an insperation to me and there are to many people out there that give up but your not one of them.
good luck in everything you do
Wow. I have to say I think any unwed teens are irresponsible for getting pregnant, but in this Neither one has a job. Can Cristiane work? Jeremy has to stay home to care for the child, so who is supporting the family? Probably the grandparents...and they talk of having MORE kids? How are they going to care for them and support them? Especially since the first one is going to have special needs, and perhaps the next babies will too.
How on earth could they get pregnant without looking into the possibility that this condition was genetic? What were the grandparents thinking? they say what their daughter has gone through. Weren't they a bit concerned about pregnancy when the boyfriend moved in with them?
Love doesn't conquer all kids. Get real and grow up. Children need more than just love to grow up safe and healthy. they need parents who have the ability to provide for them!!
Hi Cristianne,
I have seen you for the first time on TLC last night and I would like to congratulate you and your fiance for your courage and your beautiful baby. Your life experience is very encouraging and inspiring. I wish you all the best for the future and I am sure you gonna be OK, you are beautiful you are strong and have a lovingly family and friends around you.
Best Regards,
Sabine ARAME, Montreal, Canada
OMG! What was Cristianne's mother thinking when she let a high school drop-out move in and start sleeping with her daughter? She went into the bedroom to tell them to get up as if everything was perfectly normal. I was disgusted with the whole show from that point on. Was she so desparate to let her daughter have a boyfriend that she threw morals out the window?
So this girl with a genetic condition is never taught responsibility or consequence. She gets pregnant, has a baby with the same condition, can't care for it, then moves on to wanting to drive, then wants a long wedding dress, talks about having more children... It's like indulging a spoiled child to the point of insanity.
Cristianne, you are not a "little person" in the sense you are talking about. You are a disgrace to little people. They pride themselves on being independent. You seize every opportunity to become even more helpless!
This entire situation is ridiculous!!! All I can say is OH MY GOD...
to all those who made dumb comments, you know who you are. everyone has a right to a life no matter how small, tall, handicap,single, gay and how ever else people choose. congradulations and enjoy the blessings in front of you and the hell with all the negative comments. there are people in this world who are not happy with others good fortune. they are happiest when they are judging others, i say to those people, i feel sorry for you have nothing better to do. get a life! babies no matter how they are brought into this world are and always will be a blessing. you two have love that is so rare and obvious to all, congradulations on your up coming marriage give your daughter a great big hug and kiss each and every day.
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I just watched the show on TLC about you. I am so happy that you decided to have the baby she is beautiful just like her mom. I am glad that you have a fiance devoted to taking care of you and Kyrsten. That is a real man. Don't let all the negative comments get you down, you did the right thing congrats on your baby and your new life. Have fun they don't stay little very long. Laura McDonald Okc, ok
I watched "My Shocking Story" last night, and honestly, I feel conflicted. On one hand, I think it's wonderful that you are able to experience the joys of motherhood, however, I feel that you yourself are a child and have been kept so by your parents.
It is obvious by your lack of
independence that you have been coddled and enabled by your family. I mean, it would be so easy to do. But I feel that they have done you a massive diservice. For one thing, you whine like a spoiled child. I found it so difficult to well up sympathy for you as you whined obnoxiously in nearly every your folks and to Jeremy. It's like he has two children to care for.
I strongly urge you to get counseling. You need to work through this unhealthy dependency and emotional immaturity. I also recommend that before you get your license, you take steps toward independence within your household first. I know, I know....who am I to cast judgement on someone I've only seen on television. But I hope you take this advice, and know that it is given with the most sincere hopes that you and your family live a long and happy life together. Good luck.
I saw your show on tlc, and it was wonderful your are a true blessing, your are a very pretty girl and your boyfriend is a sweetheart.... TAKE CARE AND HAVE MORE BABIES...AND DONT LISTEN TO HATERS....LOVE FROM NYC....CARLA
Grow up and stop whining so much. Geez you are a mom now, act like it.