Super Strength Ancient Roman Glue Discovered

A superglue used by ancient Romans have been discovered by Frank Willer, the Rheinischen Landes Museum's chief restorer. He found traces of the superglue while examining a helmet (above) unearthed in 1986 near the German town of Xanten, on what was once the bed of the Rhine. According to new findings, Roman warriors repaired their battle accessories with a superglue that is still sticking around after 2,000 years, despite long exposure to water, time and air.

"The helmet, which dates from the 1st century B.C., was given to the museum for restoration. I discovered the glue accidentally, while removing a tiny sample of metal from the helmet with a fine saw. The heat from the tool caused the silver laurel leaves on the helmet to peel off, leaving thread-like traces of the glue behind," Willer said.

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