Crocodiles Cry When Eating, Research Said

According to research, crocodile do shed tears during a meal, not for emotional reason but biological.

"Generally crocodile tears are pretty similar to human tears," said study co-author Kent Vliet of the University of Florida.

"You see moisture in their eyes or collecting in the corners of the eyes. At times it will drip out of the corner and run down their face just like you'd expect a tear to run down a child's face."

Of course, there is no "eater's remorse" involved when a croc turns on the water works.

"Crocodiles appear to produce tears all the time," said croc expert Adam Britton, founder of the informational Web site

"Their function is—like our own tears—to lubricate the eye. This may be even more relevant for crocodiles because they have a third eyelid," also known as a nictitating membrane.

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