James Castrission and Justin Jones, Two men paddle 2,000 miles from Australia to New Zealand
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Using only kayak, Australians James Castrission and Justin Jones paddled 2,000 miles for 62 days from Australia to New Zealand. They arrived at a New Zealand beach on Sunday. It was the first successful journey from Australia and New Zealand by kayak.
LinkThe pair, who left Australia on Nov. 13, had intended to make it to Auckland, the country's largest city, before Christmas but changed plans after being buffeted during the journey.
During the trip, strong ocean flows forced them to make huge circles to avoid being carried far off course, meaning their eventual journey was much farther than the 1,400 miles they had originally planned.
They were taken for medical checks, amid fears their leg muscles may have deteriorated because of the long period of inactivity. They climbed out of their kayak, however, and appeared in good health.
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