Lightning Man, Campbell Gillespie, Got a 'Miracle' Baby
Sunday, January 6, 2008
After being hit by a lightning in August of 2003, Campbell Gillespie was told by his doctor that he may never have children. Looks like the doctors are all wrong when he and his partner Hazel Topping, defied the odds and she gave birth to 8lbs 8oz son Brogan on New Year's Eve.
Link"Brogan is a miracle baby in a true sense of the word. God could have taken me four years ago, but now he has given me a wonderful miracle.
"I feel like the luckiest man on earth. I've come a long way. While I was in my coma it was feared I needed to be administered the last rites.
"They said the effects of my injuries were so severe that I would never father a child, but look at us now."
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