Robert Fidler Hid Mock Tudor Castle Behind 40ft Hay Bales
Monday, January 28, 2008
For for year, Robert Fidler and his family hide mock Tudor castle behind 40ft hay bales to avoid having to apply for planning permission, according to reports.
LinkOver the course of two years, he managed to secretly – and unlawfully – build the imposing mock Tudor structure in one of his fields, shielded behind a 40ft stack of hay bales covered by a huge tarpaulins.
Once it was finished, he and his family moved in and lived there for four years before finally revealing the development – complete with battlements and cannons – in August 2006.
Mr Fidler claims that because the building has been there for four years with no objections, it is no longer illegal.
But he is under siege from council planners, who say the castle at Honeycrock Farm, Salfords, Redhill, Surrey, will have to be knocked down.
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