Top Ten World's Richest Dogs
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Looks like there are more rich dogs than we thought. Here a list of the top ten of the world's richest dogs.
Link1. Gunther the german shepherd - £90 million
2. Kalu the chimpanzee - £40 million
3. Trouble the maltese terrier - £6 million
4. Tina and kate the collie crosses - £450,000
5. Jasper the mongrel - £150,000
6. Tinker the cat - £100,000
7. Porgy, pride, joy & ronald the cats - £17,500 each
8. Silverstone the tortoise - £16,667
9. Top cat and matilda - £10,000 each
10. Angus the cow and larry the lamb - £7,957 each
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