Xavier Rosset, Survived 300 days in Forest with Just Two Knives

With just two knives - a Swiss army knife and a machete, Xavier Rosset, survived 300 days in the tropical forest of Tonga, in the uninhabited, 64-square-kilometre volcanic Pacific island called Tofua. His companion - a wild pig he captured in the island. But unlike Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away, he said he didn't talked to the pig.

This young Swiss adventurer and former professional snowboarder, totally isolate himself and survive only on food and shelter got by his own hands. He said he did this to challenge the modern way of life that many of us got used to.

Rosset document his adventure with a video camera and will be aired later this year.

Xavier Rosset, Survived 300 days in Forest with Just Two Knives"It was hard, yes, very hard," Mr Rosset said, freshly arrived back in Europe after ending his 10-month stint in Tonga.

His island of choice was Tofua, a 64-square-kilometre volcanic isle home to nothing except "some pigs, lots of coconuts, a lake and tropical forest".

"At the beginning I had to try hard to survive," the former professional snowboarder said.


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