Lin Tianzhuan, the Human Coral Reef

Lin Tianzhuan of Shuimen, China, is dubbed the human coral reef. This is because of shell-like growths in his entire body - mostly in his hands and feet. These growths is similar to Dede's, "the Tree Man".

Luckily, doctors in Fuzhou Dermatosis Prevention Hospital were able to cure Lin's condition and he is now going into full recovery.

Before being treated, Lin became a hermit, hiding at the family home. His friends and neighbors are all scared of him and would avoid and stay away from him because of his condition.

Lin Tianzhuan, the Human Coral Reef"It started with a few hard bumps so I tried to apply antibiotics and creams but it didn't get better," he explained.

"Instead it just got worse. They grew and grew and soon they were all over my arms and legs, my back and even my head. Ii was as if I was turning to stone and it was terrifying," he added.


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