Hotel Made from Plastic Key Cards
Sunday, December 20, 2009
If you think those plastic keys in hotels all goes to dump sites, think again. In Manhattan in New York, Holiday Inn made a hotel made from plastic key cards. This hotel, named Key Card Hotel, opened for business on September 19th to September 21st and was built by Bryan Berg, the world record-holding 'card-stacker'.
This 400 sq ft, two-ton construction includes a guest bedroom, bathroom and lobby, all fully equipped with life-sized furniture.
This 400 sq ft, two-ton construction includes a guest bedroom, bathroom and lobby, all fully equipped with life-sized furniture.
LinkKevin Kowalski, senior vice president of global brand management at Holiday Inn, said: ‘The Key Card Hotel is a fun and interactive way to showcase the changes happening at our hotels and is the only structure of its kind to ever be created by a hotel brand.’
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