Whiplash, The Cowbow Monkey, Rides Bud
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Whiplash, the Cowboy monkey, takes again the attention of everybody when he performed in a rodeo arena on a dog named Bud. This guy even got his own website
Link. See video here.Whiplash the Cowboy monkey is truly a fan favorite, he is an international star and a true cowboy. He is an 18 yr old Capuchin Monkey and he is one of the biggest little monkeys in the world. Whiplash has been riding since he was two yrs old and has been a part of our family since he was born. Whiplash travels the country herding up wild Barbados sheep at rodeos and special events. His riding ability is unmatched and his herding skills unchallenged but whiplash never misses a chance to show his monkey heritage as he rides the dog he will pull the saddle from side to side and even hang off to one side mimicking an Indian hideaway
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