Tyler Hemmert Gets Butter Knife Stuck in His Head
Thursday, April 17, 2008
11 year old Tyler Hemmert survived after a butter knife was stuck in his head when another boy became angry with him and his friend and hurled the knife. He was lucky that the knife only grazed his skull. Doctors was able to remove and he was left with a five stitches and a story to tell.
Link“The CAT scan showed that indeed it was just under his scalp,” Dr. Andy Reed told NBC News reporter John Larson. “There were no fractures obvious to the skull.” Tyler, who equated the pain to a bee sting, left the hospital with just five stitches. “I’m feeling fine right now,” he said. “It doesn’t hurt right now at all.” With the scar has also come some notoriety for Tyler. Some friends, he says, have even called him “Butterhead.”
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nobody ever make fun of this kid he is my best friends little brother