"Bee-boy", Vanya Maryin with 5-chamber Heart, Born in Russian Town
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Vanya Maryin was born with five-chamber heart, instead of four. The "Bee-boy", as doctors call him, have right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle and an extra left atrium. Wondering why he was called the "Bee-boy"? Because only bees have five-chamber heart. What's more extraordinary is that he comes from the beekeeper’s family.
LinkVanya was born not with 2 atriums like all the people on the Earth, but with an additional - third one. He could die anytime from a sudden push, fright or even happiness. But the body, adjusting to an unusual 5-chamber ‘bee-heart’, suggested the boy a saving, optimal ‘pose for life’.
Doctor Elena Nufer explains: ‘The boy’s heart had 5 chambers instead of 4. Usually the heart consists of the right atrium and the right ventricle, the left atrium and the left ventricle. Vanya had 2 left atriums with a thin, like polyethylene, but firm and impenetrable interseptum. This interseptum was noticed only during the cardiogram. At first nobody believed.
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