Japanese Straggler Hiroo Onoda, Lived 29 Years in the Philippines Jungle
Sunday, April 20, 2008
2nd Lt. Hiroo Onoda is a Japanese straggler who lived in the Jungle of Lubang Island, Philippines for 29 years, from 1945 to 1972, after the Japanese forces was defeated by the Allied Forces in World War II.
LinkFound by a Japanese student, Norio Suzuki, Onoda still refused to accept that the war was over unless he received orders to lay down his arms from his superior officer. Suzuki offered his help, and returned to Japan with photographs of himself and Onoda as proof of their encounter. In 1974 the Japanese government located Onoda's commanding officer, Major Taniguchi, who had since become a bookseller. He flew to Lubang and informed Onoda of the defeat of Japan in WWII and ordered him to lay down his arms. Lieutenant Onoda emerged from the jungle 29 years after the end of World War II, and accepted the commanding officer's order of surrender in his dress uniform and sword, with his Arisaka Type 99 rifle still in operating condition, 500 rounds of ammunition and several hand grenades.
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