Jack Moule, UK's Youngest National Jet-Ski Champion at 14
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
At 14 years old, Jack Moule is UK's youngest national jet-ski freestyle champion. Weighing only at 8.5 stone with a height of 5'4", he wowed judges with his top-class flips, spins and rolls on his 22 stone jet-ski. His signature moves include the nose stab and the incredible barrel-roll.
LinkJack said: 'I love jet-skiing - it's just an absolutely brilliant sport and even the training is good fun.
'What I really want to do is go all the way and become world champion.
'Sport is all about football for most of my friends at school but I wanted to try something different and more extreme.'
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saw you had a post a while back with a weird world record in most tshirts worn at once.
he just got beaten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKd1Ao4LiP8