AJ, the Woman Who Can't Forget, A.K.A. the "Human Calendar"

40-year-old nicknamed AJ is a woman who can't forget. She was also called as the "Human Calendar" because she can remember everything that happened to her. You can pick any random dates and she can elaborately tell verifiable details about what happened to her for the past 25 years of her life even any significant news events on topics that interested her. She usually also recalls what day of the week it was and what the weather was like.

She says that from 1980 at the age of 14 onward, her recall became automatic. Her parents didn't notice her superior memory until she was in her 20s.

"I have studied learning and memory for over 50 years, and I had never read of or even heard about a person who has a comparable ability to remember," McGaugh said. "However, we do not know whether she is unique or whether there may be others with comparable remembering ability who have not as yet been identified."


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