Ten Weird Ways to Predict the Future

If you are tired of reading horoscopes and fortune tellers, why not try this ten weird ways to predict the future.

1. Anthropomancy - divination by the entrails of men.
2. Armomancy - divination by the shoulders of beasts.
3. Belomancy - divination by arrows.
4. Gastromancy - divination by stomach noises.
5. Gyromancy - divination by walking in a circle until the subject falls over from dizziness.
6. Myomancy - divination by movements of mice.
7. Omphalomancy - divination by knots on the umbilical cord.
8. Onychomancy - divination by fingernails.
9. Rhapsodomancy - divination by random selection of a line of poetry.
10. Tyromancy - divination by cheese.

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