Hercules, World's Largest Lion-Tiger Breed at 900 Lbs

Hercules is the world's largest Lion-Tiger breed or Liger at 900 lbs and still growing. He can stands 10 feet tall when standing on his back legs.

He looks like something from a prehistoric age or a fantastic creation from Hollywood . But Hercules is very much living flesh and blood - as he proves every time he opens his gigantic mouth to roar. Called a liger, in reference to his crossbreed parentage, he is the largest of all the cat species. On a typical day he will devour 20lb of meat, usually beef or chicken, and is capable of eating 100lb at a single setting. At just three years old, Hercules already weighs half a ton.

Video of Hercules


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    On August 1, 2008 at 9:53 AM Anonymous said...


    i know thats real! i have seen pics of it

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