Warren Buffett, World's Richest Man of 2008 with $62 Billion Worth of Assets
Friday, March 28, 2008
Warren Buffett is currently the world's richest man as of March 2008. This 77-year-old native of Omaha, Nebraska, has an estimated $62 billion worth of assets. His businesses includes insurance, jewelry , utilities, food, among others.
LinkAmerica's most beloved investor is now the world's richest man. Soared past friend and bridge partner Bill Gates as shares of Berkshire Hathaway climbed 25% since the middle of last July. Son of Nebraska politician delivered newspapers as a boy. Filed first tax return at age 13, claiming $35 deduction for bicycle. Studied under value investing guru Benjamin Graham at Columbia. Took over textile firm Berkshire Hathaway 1965.
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