Box Jellyfish, Australia's Most Dangerous Animals
Saturday, October 6, 2007
If you think poisonous snakes are the most dangerous animals in Australia, think again. It's the Box Jellyfish, a.k.a. the Sea Wasp. This deadly species is related to another deadly specie of jellyfish, the irukandji.
LinkThe Box Jellyfish (also known as a Sea Wasp) is a very dangerous creature to inhabit Australian waters. The Jellyfish has extreme toxins present on its tentacles, which when in contact with a human, can stop cardio-respiratory functions in as little as three minutes.
This jellyfish is responsible for more deaths in Australian than Snakes, Sharks and Salt Water Crocodiles.
The creature has a square body and inhabits the north east areas of Australia. The tentacles may reach up to 80 cms in length. It is found along the coast of the Great Barrier Reef.
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