Rita Levi Montalcini is a 100 years old scientist from Italy who has recently celebrated her 100th birthday. Together with Stanley Cohen, she won a Nobel Prize in 1986 for discovering mechanisms that regulate the growth of cells and organs.

At 100 years old, Montalcini says that her mind is sharper than when she was at her 20's, which she attributed to her experiences in life.

"At 100, I have a mind that is superior — thanks to experience — than when I was 20," she told the party, complete with a large cake for her.

The Turin-born Levi Montalcini recounted how the anti-Jewish laws of the 1930s under Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime forced her to quit university and do research in an improvised laboratory in her bedroom at home.

If you think you are safe with all this gadgetries in you position, watch this video and see how a GPS can leave you vulnerable to break-in to you house.

Who says a pet dog is vulnerable when it's away from it's home. Well, this one not the case. Sophie, a pet dog survived in island eating baby goats for four months. While her owners was, Dave and Jan Griffith, was on a sailing trip off the coast of Australia, Sophie fell into the water and was never found. Four months later, she was discovered in an island four miles from where she fell and was reunited with her owners.

Sophie’s mind-boggling survival story, chronicled on TODAY Tuesday, began as Jan and husband Dave took their pet along for a sailing trip off the coast of Australia last November. When the sea grew rough, Sophie dropped into the water.

“We searched well over an hour,” Jan Griffith told the Brisbane Times. “We thought once she hit the water she would have been gone because the wake from the boat was so big.”

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