Don Gorske, the Big Mac Enthusiast Who Have Eaten 23,000 Big Macs

Don Gorske of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin is a Big Mac enthusiast. He claimed to have eaten 23,000 Big Macs his 36 years - a world record. His love for the McDonald's meal was fueled by his obsessive-compulsive disorder and started eating the burgers on May 17, 1972, and has kept every receipt to prove his achievement. He even wrote a book about it.

Each day he eats two Big Macs, which are made up of two beef patties, cheese and a special Mac sauce. At 6ft 2in tall and weighs 84 kg, he hasn't gained weight since he said hi burns off the burgers by strolling up to 10 miles a day.

He further claims to have eaten 265 Big Macs in the following month, an average of 8.5 Big Macs per day. If true, this would be equivalent to over 4,600 calories and 247 grams of fat daily, for a total of 143,100 calories and 16.9 pounds of fat in one month. He also claims to drink almost nothing but Coca Cola and, according to Super Size Me, he rarely eats the fries. At first, Don kept all the boxes of Big Macs he ate in the back of his car.

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